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Highland Mall Redevelopment, Austin, TX
McCann Adams Studio prepared the master plan and form-based development standards for the redevelopment of the 85-acre Highland Mall site in Central Austin. The project, currently called "Highland", is being undertaken as a public-private development with a mixed-use developer and Austin Community College, which is adaptively reusing the former shopping center buildings as a new campus with both instructional and administrative functions. The goal of the project is to transform this deteriorating and auto-centric complex into a mixed-use transit-oriented district, with a pattern of pedestrian-friendly streets and mid-rise buildings which will replace the expansive surface parking lots. The first phase of the project includes ACC's reuse of the former J.C.Penny's store as a state-of-the-art math lab, and a mixed-use residential development on the southern portion of the site.

Visit www.highlandatx.com to learn more.

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